Por: gleissianes • 13/10/2015 • Trabalho acadêmico • 2.545 Palavras (11 Páginas) • 208 Visualizações
Alle’s Restaurante
CARNE DE SOL/SUN MEAT …………………………………………………………………R$14,00/$18.00 (Carne de sol em cubos acebolada/Corned beef in cubes with onions)
FILÉ TRINCHADO/FILLET TRINCHADO …………………………………………R$17,00/$21,00 (Filé mignon acebolado/Fillet mignon with onions)
FRANGO À PASSARINHA/CHICKEN THE PASSARINHA…………….R$15,00/$19,00 (Coxa e sobrecoxa de frango frito/Thigh and drumstick of fried chicken)
ISCA DE PEIXE/FISH BAIT………………………………………………………………….R$12,00/$16,00 (Peixe empanado com molho tártaro/Fish fingers with tartar sauce)
CAMARÃO À MILANESA/BREADED SHRIMP………………………………….R$20,00/$24,00 (Filé de camarão empanado com molho tártaro/Fillet breaded shrimp with tartar sauce)
QUEIJO A MILANESA/CHEESE THE MILANESE……………………….…R$14,00/$18,00 (Cubos de queijo empanado com molho rosê/Breaded cheese cubes with rosé sauce)
BATATA FRITA/FRENCH FRIES………………………………………………………….R$9,00/$13,00 (Batatas palito com molho rosê/French fries with rosé sauce)
MACAXEIRAS/MACAXEIRAS………………………………………………………………R$9,00/$13,00 (Macaxeira frita com molho rosê/Fried cassava with rosé sauce)
MIX DE FRIOS/MIX OF COLD……………………………………………………………R$10,00/$14,00 (Azeitona verde, presunto e queijo/Green olive, ham and cheese)
CALABRESA/PEPPERONI..........................................................................R$12,00/$16,00 (Calabresa acebolada com farofa ou pão/Calabrian with onions with manioc flour or bread)
SALADA REFOGADA/BRAISED SALAD…………………………………………….R$12,00/$16,00 (Repolho,cenoura,batata/Cabbage, carrots, potatoes)
CAPRESE/CAPRESE………………………………………………………………………………….R$14,00/$18,00 (Alface,tomate,queijo branco e manjericão/Lettuce, tomato, white cheese and basil)
BÁSICA/BASIC…………………………………………………………………………………………R$9,00/$13,00 (Alface, cebola e tomate/Lettuce, onions and tomatoes)
Pratos Principais/Main Dishes:
FILÉ À PARMEGIANA/FILET PARMIGIANA…………….........................R$16,00/$20,00 (Filé mignon à milanesa,mussarela,molho de tomate preparado,purê e arroz branco/Beef tenderloin breaded, mozzarella, tomato sauce cooked, mashed and white rice)
FILÉ COM FRITAS/STKAK FRITES…………………………………………………..R$15,00/$19,00 (Filé mignon,batata frita,arroz à grega,farofa e vinagrete/Beef tenderloin, fries, Greek rice, farofa and vinaigrette)
CHATÔ DE FILÉ MIGNON/BORING FILET MIGNON………………….R$20,00/$24,00 (Filé mignon alto grelhado com bacon e risoto/Grilled filet mignon top with bacon and risotto)
FILÉ AO MOLHO MADEIRA/FILET TO MADEIRA SAUCE…………R$18,00/$22,00 (Filé mignon trinchado ao molho madeira,arroz branco e purê/Filet mignon trinchado to Madeira sauce, white rice and mashed)
FILÉ ITALIANO/FILET ITALIANO………………………………………………….R$18,00/$22,00 (Filé mignon grelhado,molho ao sugo,mussarela,parmasão,mangericão e arroz branco/Fillet mignon grilled, the sugo sauce, mozzarella, parmesan, basil and white rice)
STROGONOFF DE FILÉ/STROGANOFF FILET………………………………..R$18,00/$22,00 (Filé mignon ao molho rosê champignon,batata palha e arroz branco/Filet mignon with sauce rosé mushrooms, french fries and white rice)
MAMINHA AO ALHO/Titty THE GARLIC…………………….…………………R$17,00/$21,00 (Maminha ao alho grelhada,macaxeira,arroz a grega,farofa e vinagrete/Titty to grilled garlic, cassava, rice Greek, farofa and vinaigrette)
PERNIL SUINO/HAM PIG………………………………………………………………….R$12,00/$16,00 (Carne de porco grelhada com batata doce,repolho e arroz à grega/Grilled pork with sweet potatoes, cabbage and Greek rice)
CARNE DE SOL À MODA/STYLISH SUN MEAT…………………………..R$19,00/$23,00 (Carne de sol,purê,macaxeira,arroz a grega/Corned beef, mashed potatoes, cassava, greek rice)
FRANGO À CUBANA/CHICKEN TO CUBAN…………………………………….R$16,00/$20,00 (Filé de frango com banana à milanesa,bacon,purê,e arroz à grega/Chicken fillet with breaded banana, bacon, mashed potatoes and Greek rice)
FRANGO XADREZ/CHICKEN CHESS………………………………………………...R$13,00/$17,00 (Cubos de frango grelhado com verduras,molho de soja e arroz à grega/Grilled chicken cubes with vegetables, soy sauce and Greek rice)
FRANGO CHIC/CHICKEN CHIC………………………………………………………….R$15,00/$19,00 (Filé de frango grelhado,presunto,ervilha,ovo mexido,purê e arroz à grega/Grilled chicken fillet, ham, peas, poached egg, mashed and Greek rice)